Wellness AlertIt's time to step back from the computer and take a break.
This week, rather than posting about writing or reading, I’m switching gears to overall wellness. I just had to start going to the chiropractor because my neck, back, and shoulders were constantly tight and sore. And the cause of my pain? Bad posture. Apparently, I lean forward and hunch my shoulders in when I’m sitting at my desk. I spend a lot of my time at the computer writing, either for my day job or for my fantasy books. Sometimes, I sit properly, but more often than not, I find myself hunching over like a gremlin. The pain isn’t too bad. It doesn’t stop me from living my life, but it can distract me from my writing. Stop what you’re doing right now and pay attention to yourself. Are you sitting right? Are your shoulders back and down? Is your chin up? If you're looking for a nudge, here it is. Get up from your computer and move around. Go for a walk. Drink some water. Stop ignoring those tiny little pains and start taking care of your body. Yoga and stretching are my go-to exercises when I’ve been sitting at my desk too long. They’re also great ways to unwind and refocus my mind when I’m having some writer’s block. If you're interested in giving it a try, I recommend Sean Vigue Fitness on YouTube. He’s fun to listen to and he seems very knowledgeable. He also has a ton of videos for all different experience levels. Here are links to my favorites:
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